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How long is kolb committed to deliver service to its cleaning systems?
kolb is committed to support standard cleaning systems for a period of 10 years.

Minimum for this period after sale kolb is committed to have all necessary spare parts on offer, as well as delivering maintenance service on demand.

Already ended regular support for the following systems:

RB series: 03 / 03D / 04 / 04D / 04DE / 04DSE / 04DSEL / 05 / 06 / 10 / M07
PS series : 02 / 03 / 05 / 05RS / 06 / 06RS / 07ST / 008 / 10MC / 18 / 31 / 41 / 71 / 09 HY / 91
PSB series: 400 / 500 / 600 (only 1st Generation)
AF series: 09 / 15

Reeplacement parts for these cleaning systems are no more available from stock. Of course, we also seek further support. However, considerable delivery times and / or necessary conversion work must be expected. Prices for spare parts can only be determined on request, as these are then mostly individual orders or custom-made products.

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