Logo CLEANING TECHNOLOGY - Made in Germany

研究学习 服务

In our laboratories (Germany, Australia, China, USA) we can obtain and memorize necessary data quickly and easily. Our research, expertise and the information which we receive from the close cooperation with our customers will be put together to a comprehensive service and assistance offer.

Optical inspection, spectro-photometrics, ionic contamination- / conductivity measurement  and chemical analysis are only a few of the services our facilities can perform.

We analyse, interpret and optimize for you.

Exemplary applications:

Chemical / detergent  analysis etc.
Waste water analysis of heavy metails  & CSB according to § 151 Ext. 40

Chemical / detergent analysis
e.g. determination of detergent efficiency in brix 

Ionic contamination
Cleanliness analysis / residual contamination

Optical  Inspection
Digital & manual process documentation
Ionic contamination / conductivity measurement

We design and program your individual process.

Based on these and other analyses and existing data, we can determine the optimal process design individually for each customer and write the software for the automated process accordingly. After the software has been implemented into the PLC of the respective kolb cleaning system, the entire process can be started permanently and reproducibly at the push of one button without further effort.


重要事件 & 新闻

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The Factory of The Future | Coventry, UK

We are already very excited!

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Veranstaltungsbild der green electronics 2024

Green Electronics 2025 | Duesseldorf, Germany

Our technology forum on sustainability in electronics production

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New Online Detergent Selector

Looking for the perfect detergent for your cleaning task? Find out how our new tool can help you.

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Composing mit grauen, recyclebaren Kanistern

Sustainability at kolb - now also for our containers

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