手動清潔 SMD 工具

kolb offers as manufacturer and specialist for cleaning in the electronics producing industry detergent soaked tissues e.g. for the thorough manual cleaning of squeegees and spatulas as well as manual oven, flux and rosin cleaners.
Although it makes more sense to use fully automated cleaning equipment for all zools cleaning these tasks, there is sometimes a need to manually clean SMD tools such as squeegees and scrapers that are contaminated with residues of solder paste and adhesive immediately after use to prevent the contamination from hardening and to ensure trouble-free reuse.
Other production tools may also have to be cleaned manually, e.g. of burnt-in fluxes or rosin-free no-clean flux residues. Process areas of wave soldering systems or reflow ovens, for example, can only be cleaned manually.
WetWipes SA120
WetWipes完备调制应用,预浸湿纸, WipeEx SA 120浸透于清洁溶剂中,用于手动SMD-工具的清洁,如刮刀(铲),刮(推)锡器,等等。
关于更多 WetWipes SA120
WipeEx® SA120
WipeEx® SA 120是一款特殊的专用于底面/翻转面的清洁制程里面的印刷网屏/印制钢(网)板印制机清除SMD黏合剂与SMD焊膏的清洁剂。
关于更多 WipeEx® SA120