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kolb Cleaning Technology GmbH
Karl-Arnold-Str. 12
47877 Willich

Web: www.kolb-ct.com
Phone: +49 2154 9479-38
Fax: +49 2154 9479-47
Mail: info@kolb-ct.com

Managing Directors:
Christian Ortmann (CEO)
Georg Pollmann (CVO)

Authorized Officers:
Christin Lökes
Christian Linker

Responsible for content in the sense of § 18 paragraph 2 MStV (German law)

Christian Ortmann
Karl-Arnold-Straße 12
47877 Willich

Legal Registration

Register Court: Amtsgericht Krefeld
Commercial Register: HRB 11669
VAT-ID: DE 256179408

Copyright © 2014-2024 kolb Cleaning Technology GmbH

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25. European Electronics Technology College | Mallorca, Spain

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