DCB 與陶瓷基板的清潔 (電力電子)

As a manufacturer and system supplier kolb provides for the cleaning of DCBs, ceramic cubstrates and hybrids the complete process from a single source: including machinery, accessories, cleaners and specially applied software controlled fully automated electronic processes.
Direct copper bonding (DCB) substrates are often used due to their good thermal conductivity in high-performance modules. They consist of a ceramic substrate board, usually alumina or aluminum nitride and usually applied with a copper foil on one or both sides in a high temperature oxidation process. Precisely because of the high power requirements (DCB substrates carry currents up to several thousand volts at temperatures up to 200° C), these components must be absolutely free of production residues for further working processes such as wire bonding, coating or varnishing.
Thorough removal of flux, rosin, resin, Cu oxide and soldering support substances are the main tasks in the cleaning of DCBs, hybrids, assemblies / assembled printed circuit boards, in order to be able to offer correspondingly process-safe assemblies for the above mentioned subsequent processes.
容量:可放置尺寸达540 (8,6 m²)的欧式板于三个不同的清洁筐最多6倍转子系统,VMH®-TurboDigital蒸发干燥
加工室尺寸:宽度700 • 深度720 • 高710毫米
关于更多 AQUBE® XH7
容量:可放置830 (19 m²)块欧式板于四个不同的清洁筐内水平八面喷洒轴控,热气流烘干
处理舱尺寸: W 970 • D 955 • H 900 mm
关于更多 AQUBE® XH9
MultiEx® 3D-A3
标准宽带 DCB(也包括 PCBA)清洗机
MultiEx® 3D系列清洗溶液为水状三重态清洗溶液(1,松香清除,2,除氧,3,不起反应)专用于 kolb 系统 PowerSpray® 技术及所有普通spray-in-air清洗系统. 最适用于:PCBs集成电子板,DCBs 电子板,陶瓷基质底板,印制钢网,印制网屏,塑料胶印网板,失败印制板
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MultiEx® 3D-H2
MultiEx® 3D-H2 可清洁装配好的印刷电路板、陶瓷基板、错印(已安装)以及 DCB
MultiEx® 3D清洗溶液最适用于快速彻底地清洗DCBs,PCBs,陶瓷基底,铝,非有色金属并对其产品材质达到最佳防护作用。这些取决于清洗任务同时也适用于印制钢板与印制网屏的清洗。
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MultiEx® NP-1
多功能 pH 值中性清洁剂,特别适用于 PCBA 和电力电子设备
MultiEx® NP-1是pH中性、应用广泛的水基清洗剂,尤其适用于PCBA和功率电子制造中清洗去除松香、助焊剂和锡膏。
关于更多 MultiEx® NP-1