
生产制程中的清洗是描述当清洗高敏感元件时其整体价值增值链。这包含着大量其它损坏的集成 PCBs ,Hybrids 与 DCBs 和 PCBs 失败返印板(单面集成)


Boards (assembled / mounted PCBs) must be cleaned thoroughly of production residues and possible environmental and handling dirt to ensure a reliable further processing respectively a trouble-free performance.

Learn more about PCB cleaning, suitable systems and detergents


The trend towards miniaturization while increasing the reliability and operation of electronics in high temperature environments has driven the development of ceramic substrates.

Learn more about ceramic substrates cleaning, suitable systems and detergents


Precisely because of high power requirements these components must be absolutely free of production residues for further working processes such as wire bonding, coating or varnishing.

Learn more about DCB cleaning, suitable systems and detergents

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