由kolb研发的 AirFlow®浸透式汽喷技术,帮助确保高品质生产的设备采取维护保养清洗的操作系统. 它不同于普通的浸喷应用,在这里意为,清洗产品被潜入于活性清洗液体中时使用压缩气体。本系统的旋转轴控技术除了浸喷设备,还内置持久全方位无盲点移喷式快速高效的污染源清洗技术.
The utilized water based detergents guarantee an optimum effectiveness at the same time ensuring best possible protection of the material. These certified detergents scent neutral and do not require any special ventilation systems. The technological principle of the cleaning systems and the optimum cleaning power of the utilized detergents guarantee an efficient cleaning process which leads to perfectly clean purified production tools.
As the AirFlow® systems are operated at room temperature (20° - 35° C max .) and with water based detergents. The machines do not require extra safety areas but can be installed near the production line. The AirFlow® principle with a certified noise level of under 60 dB, is a comparatively "whistling process".
All elements that are subject to mechanical stress are made of stainless steel, bearings, bases and gliding elements are made of Teflon / PTFE / POM etc. The process chamber and all tubing systems made of PVC. The PVC parts connected using a special procedure ensure that, unlike in weld seams of stainless steel containments electrolysis due to alcaline detergents cannot occur. This guarantees a long life span of all sections coming into contact with detergent and containments.
With the exemplary environmental compatibility - amongst other things implemented through the use of normal tap water, biodegradable detergents and air circulation drying - this technology meets tomorrow’s legal requirements already today.
Waste- and drip-water can be discharged into the local waste water system or into a disposal tank. The inclination of the systems’ bottom guarantees a thorough emptying of the chambers. Upon demand kolb takes over the disposal of the exhausted cleaning fluid on demand.
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