Logo CLEANING TECHNOLOGY - Made in Germany

A clean record - The history of kolb Cleaning Technology


kolb founders
Three young men have a vi­sion of what's co­ming in the fu­ture: Wolf­gang Kolb, Ge­org Poll­mann and Man­fred Kil­lian found the elec­tro­nics assem­bly ser­vice pro­vi­der Kolb Fer­ti­gungs­tech­nik GmbH in Willich, near Düs­seldorf.
Production in the cellar
The first sol­der­ing "line": Three hand sol­de­ring irons. The first pro­duc­tion fa­ci­li­ty is built in the cel­lar of Poll­mann's pa­rents' house. Ad­mit­ted­ly, this does not yet look like one of the glo­bal elec­tro­nics clea­ning in­dus­try leaders.


First Kolb factory building
Linker GmbH Logo
Kolb Fertigungstechnik Logo
Rapid growth: The com­­pany mo­ves to a pro­duc­tion hall with offi­ces in the Münch­heide II industrial estate in Wil­lich. Design of the first offi­cial com­pany logo, lo­gi­cally (key­word: future) with a micro­chip as a sym­bol.
ContraFlux detergent 1990
Start of co­ope­ra­tion with Ing. G. Linker GmbH, Che­mische Fa­bri­ken, for the de­velop­ment and pro­duc­tion of the first aqueous de­ter­gents for the elec­tronics in­dus­try. Start pro­duct: ContraFlux® flux re­mov­er, e.g. for sol­der carriers.


RB1 aqueous cleaning system
Delivery package RB1
AirFlow technology icon
Manual clea­ning with sol­vents? No thanks: With the in­ven­tion of kolb AirFlow® tech­no­lo­gy, mecha­ni­cal clea­ning of sol­der frames and car­riers, using wa­ter, air and sol­vent-free clea­ning agents is pos­sible for the first time.
kolb AF03 cleaning system
Market entry of clea­ning tech­no­lo­gy pro­ducts: Ini­tial­ly only in­ten­ded and con­struc­ted for in-house use, the first com­mercial deli­very of a RB1 sys­tem takes place - la­ter success­ful­ly in the pro­gram as kolb AF03 for over 25 years.


kolb AF04 cleaning system
While the industry continues to clean production tools by hand: Presentation of the first semi-automatic three-chamber system RB4 -la­ter success­ful­ly in the pro­gram as kolb AF04 for over 25 years.
Detergent portfolio
While the market still swears by sol­vents, the kolb range of aque­ous de­ter­gents is be­ing ex­pan­ded to in­clude a paste and ad­he­sive re­mover (PastEx®) and the first addi­tives to im­prove clea­ning per­formances.


klob RB5D cleaning system
kolb logo 1995
kolb PowerSpray icon
Development of the kolb PowerSpray® pres­sure spray tech­no­lo­gy and thus en­try in­to the mar­ket seg­ment of aqueous fine clea­ning of sen­si­tive pro­duc­tion tools such as prin­ter screens and prin­ter stencils.
Fair booth 1995
Green becomes cyan: The clea­ning tech­no­logy depart­ment be­comes its own busi­ness di­vi­sion and gets its own logo. The first trade fair appea­­rances for sys­tems and de­ter­gents fol­low - ini­tial­ly at co­opera­tion stands.


kolb headquarters
Built for the future: Mo­ving into the new head­quar­ters in a Wil­lich in­dus­trial es­tate. Why Wil­lich again? Düs­sel­dorf air­port - 18 km, Düs­sel­dorf main sta­tion - 22 km, Duis­burg port - 35 km, Kre­feld main sta­tion - 20 km, Ven­lo (NL) - 45 km
kolb RB5D cleaning system
Delivery of the first semi-automatic PowerSpray® three-cham­ber clea­ning sys­tems RB5D and RB6D for screen sten­cils - al­ready equip­ped with a fine filter syst­em for clea­ner re­ge­ne­ra­tion and hot air drying.


kolb RB M7 cleaning system
Development of large-scale sys­tems for main­te­nance clea­ning, especial­ly for the volume clea­ning of com­po­nents (coo­lers, fil­ters, heat ex­changers, con­tai­ners etc.) from flux manage­ment sys­tems of al­most all manu­facturers.
kolb RB10D cleaning system
Image left: RBM7 - large clea­ning sys­tem with crane. Image right: RB10D - the first all-round sys­tem for main­te­nance clea­ning: For con­ta­mi­na­ted con­den­sate fil­ters, car­riers / masks, ESD boxes, LP ma­ga­zines, pallets etc.


kolb technical center 2000
Opening of the first tech¡ni­cal cen­ter / show­room for the kolb pro­duct range. A de­ve­lop­ment cen­ter for new, fu­ture-orien­ted tech­no­lo­gies and test cen­ter for the design of pro­ces­ses accor­ding to cus­tomer re­quirements.
kolb MultiEx 2P
Market launch of the first MultiEx® clea­ner. kolb MultiEx® 2P is an al­ka­line broad­band two-phase de­ter­gent, es­pe­cially for the re­mo­val of SMD ad­he­sives, paste and flux and thus the first kolb de­ter­gent for PCBA cleaning.


kolb PS08 cleaning system
Double premiere: De­velop­ment of the first fully auto­matic single-cham­ber sys­tem (PS08), and thus also the first sys­tem for PCBA clea­ning and therefore entry into ultra-fine cleaning of sensitive electronic products.
Detergent portfolio 2001
Intensive re­search into aque­ous, en­vi­ron­men­tally frien­dly clea­ning me­dia and sub­se­quent mas­sive ex­pan­sion of the che­mistry pro­duct port­folio with e.g. spe­cial sol­dering oven clea­ner (CF1), addi­ti­ves and ser­vice products.


kolb AF09 cleaning system
Market launch of the mo­du­lar AF09 main­te­nance clea­ning sys­tem (with up to four cham­bers) with in­no­va­tive hy­brid tech­no­lo­gy for clea­ning con­den­sate fil­ters, sol­der fra­mes etc. as well as ex­ter­nal pi­ping and cyclones.
MediumWipe diagram
De­ve­lop­ment of the re­source-sa­ving Me­diumWipe® pro­cess for Po­werSpray® sys­tems, in which re­si­du­al me­dium is blown off the goods to be clea­ned and out of the clea­ning circuit and re­tur­ned to the clea­ning tank.

2003 / 2004

kolb PS04 maintenance cleaning system
Market launch of the PS04 all-round sys­tem for main­te­nance clea­ning with a large pro­cess cham­ber (W 850, D 750, H 580 mm) for car­riers, fil­ters, ESD boxes and tools. Use of the ver­tical, space-sa­ving air­lock door for the first time.
kolb PS07 stencil cleaning system
Presentation of the first self-suf­fi­ci­ent, water-free opera­ble sin­gle-cham­ber clea­ning sys­tem PS07 for sten­cils with 4-step pro­cess (clea­ning, Me­dium­Wipe®, rin­sing, dry­ing). Also the pro­to­type for the plan­ned se­ries platform.


kolb PS09 PCBA cleaning system
TernarySequence icon
kolb PS03 stencil cleaning system
Introduction of the sin­gle-cham­ber plat­form de­sign, which en­ables high-end tech­no­lo­gy on the smal­lest possi­ble foot­print. Launch of the PS09 PCBA clea­ning sys­tem and the self-sufficient PS03 en­try-level sten­cil cleaner.
kolb MultiEx N7 detergent
Launch of Ter­na­rySe­quence® (TS) de­ter­gent tech­no­lo­gy (mul­ti­ple re­ge­ne­ra­tion of the clea­ner with very simple fil­tra­tion) with the pro­duct MultiEx® N7-TS, which can also be used as for rin­sing in sys­tems with­out a wa­ter connection.


kolb AA500 water processing system
Pioneer also here: start of the de­velop­ment of wa­ter treat­ment and dis­po­sal tech­no­lo­gies spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for se­wage of clea­ning sys­tems in the elec­tro­nics in­dus­try. First com­mer­cial plant: the AA500 water pro­cessing system
kolb Australia subsidiary
Due to the rapid­ly grow­ing ex­port bu­si­ness, the first kolb foreign sub­si­di­ary is foun­ded in Banks­town, Aus­tra­lia, in co­ope­ra­tion with Suba En­gin­eering PTY Ltd., spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for the South-East Asia business region.


Legal and phy­si­cal se­pa­ra­tion from Kolb Fer­ti­gungs­tech­nik GmbH as kolb Clea­ning Tech­no­lo­gy GmbH with (from left) Chris­tian Lin­ker (au­tho­rized sig­na­to­ry), Ge­org Poll­mann (CEO) and Chris­tian Ort­mann (CFO) as share­holders.
Market launch of the PS07 TWIN (image above), the world's first clea­ning sys­tem that can clean two sten­cils si­mul­ta­neous­ly, and the AF20, the first fully au­to­ma­tic single-cham­ber sys­tem with AirFlow® tech­no­lo­gy from kolb.

2008 / 2009

Development of the PSB "One­Box" com­pact plat­form for two- and three-tank sys­tems with the aim of pro­vi­ding the best pos­sible clea­ning qua­lity with the high­est pos­sible eco­no­mic effi­cien­cy on the smal­lest possible footprint.
Introduction of the com­pact AA200 waste­wa­ter treat­ment sys­tem (fore­run­ner of the WPSD-IU SYM­BIO-mo­dules) for the treat­ment of hea­vy me­tals con­tai­ning rinse wa­ter to be dis­posed of in­di­rec­tly in­to the public se­wer system.


kolb PSB500 assemblies cleaning system
Introduction of the PSB500 (for PCBAs) and PSB400 (for car­riers and tools) sys­tems: From 2010 the OneBox pro­duct port­fo­lio de­ve­lops in­to the world's best-sel­ling batch sys­tem se­ries in the elec­tro­nics ma­nu­facturing industry.
kolb PSB400 maintenance cleaning system
First DIN ISO (14001:2004, 9001:2008) cer­ti­fi­ca­tion of kolb Clea­ning Tech­no­lo­gy GmbH. Re­de­sign of the logo and the en­tire cor­po­rate de­sign and packa­ging, es­peci­al­ly for di­gi­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion media.


kolb system cleaning chamber
kolb compact class cleaning systems
Prototyping at kolb
Start of in-house pro­duc­tion of stain­less steel clea­ning cham­bers (lar­ger than those avai­la­ble on the mar­ket) and in­tro­duc­tion of com­plete­ly vir­tu­al pro­to­type con­struc­tion, thus dras­ti­cal­ly re­du­cing de­ve­lop­ment times.
kolb AF30 cleaning system
Market launch of the 300 com­pact class (pic­tu­red above), for smal­ler com­pa­nies or for use in mass pro­duc­tion where one sten­cil clea­ning sys­tem is in­stal­led per prin­ter. Mar­ket launch of the AF30 main­te­nance clea­ning system.


kolb PSB500 H70 PCBA cleaning system
kolb AF60 maintenance cleaning system
kolb PSB100 hybrid cleaning system
Market launch of the PSB500 H70, the world's first batch clea­ning sys­tem with a 700x710 mm pro­cess cham­ber that can clean 540 Eu­ro­cards! Pre­sen­ta­tion of the PSB100 hy­brid all-roun­der for ul­tra-fine, fine and tools cleaning.
Wash center Siemens Amberg
Market launch of the AirFlow® mass clea­ner AF60 for con­den­sate fil­ters and tools. Ge­ne­ral con­trac­tor for the con­struc­tion of the wa­shing cen­ter for SMD tools with three AF60s at the Sie­mens elec­tro­nics plant in Amberg.


kolb special logo 25 years of innovation
kolb PSB500 H90 PCBA cleaning system
kolb logistics center
As an innovation le­ader and one of the most success­ful com­pa­nies in the elec­tro­nics clea­ning in­dus­try, kolb Clea­ning Tech­no­lo­gy ce­le­brates its 25th anni­ver­sary and also opens its 1200 sqm lo­gistics and torso pro­duction center.
kolb PS300 hybrid cleaning compact system
Pre­sen­ta­tion of the PSB500 H90, the batch sys­tem with the world's lar­gest (970x955x900 mm) pro­cess cham­ber for PCBA clea­ning of 830 Euro­cards. In­tro­duc­tion of the PS300 2HD hy­brid com­pact sys­tem for sten­cils and PCBAs.


kolb PSB700 H90 Schablonenreinigungssystem
Market launch of the PSB700 H90 with 8-fold ro­tor sys­tem and CWA® high-per­for­mance com­pres­sor dry­ing: the world's first clea­ning sys­tem for 4 sten­cils up to 800x­940x­40 mm. Cycle time: approx. 4 mi­nu­tes per stencil.
kolb industrial parts cleaning offer
Development of sys­tems for in­dus­trial parts clea­ning of bulk ma­te­rial, tur­ned, mil­led or com­plex parts from grease, oil, chips, etc. Pre­sen­ta­tion of the pro­duct seg­ment at the parts2clean trade fair in Stutt­gart (Germany).


kolb USA / China subsidiaries
Foundation of kolb Clea­ning Tech­no­lo­gy USA LLC. for North and South Ame­ri­ca and kolb Asia Pa­ci­fic Pty Ltd. opens a branch in Shang­hai. kolb is now re­pre­sen­ted by sa­les part­ners and its own com­panies in 52 countries.
Productronica fair 2015
Trade fair appea­ran­ces with a new booth con­cept at SMT (Nu­rem­berg) and Pro­duc­tro­ni­ca (Mu­nich). In Mu­nich, a large port­fo­lio over­view with a to­tal of 10 sys­tems is shown to the in­ter­na­tio­nal public on 135 square meters.


kolb WPCL rinse water recycling module
Market presen­ta­tion of in­te­gra­ble re­cyc­ling and dis­po­sal mo­du­les for kolb PSB sys­tems - for re­use (WPCL mo­du­les) of rin­sing wa­ter or for in¡di­rect dis­charge in­to the lo­cal waste­wa­ter net­work (WPSD mo­dules).
kolb quick change unit for H70 systems
Market launch of quick-loa­ding units (a world first) for PCBA clea­ning sys­tems, which re­duce loa­ding and un­loa­ding times to a mi­ni­mum, as the loa­ded units can be com­plete­ly pul­led out and pushed in.


kolb AQUBE Systems Launch 2017
kolb PSE Economy Line Launch 2017
Ortmann takes over as CEO 2017
Global premiere of the in­no­va­tive, In­dus­try 4.0-ca­pa­ble AQUBE® sys­tem fa­mi­ly. Chris­tian Ort­mann takes over as CEO from Ge­org Poll­mann, who con­tin­ues to be res­pon­sible for the tech­ni­cal area as CVO.
Launch of new chemistry packaging
Market launch of the PSE eco­no­my-sys­tems fa­mily, based on the PS se­ries, which has been success­ful since 2010. New packa­ging de­sign for all che­mi­cal pro­ducts and change­over of the con­tai­ner co­lor to the cor­po­rate color cyan.


kolb 30 years celebration
kolb TS+ longlife detergent pH buffering
kolb AQUBE MV8 stencil cleaning system
30 years of kolb: 2,312 sys­tems on the mar­ket, 34 ma­chine mo­dels, 53 clea­ner and addi­tive pro­ducts on of­fer. Mar­ket launch of the AQUBE® MV8 sTWIN, the world's first se­quen­tial clea­ning double cham­ber system.
kolb US rep meeting
Market launch of TS+ de­ter­gent tech­no­logy for twice as high pH buf­fering as com­pa­ra­ble pro­ducts on the mar­ket. kolb USA es­tabli­shes its new nation­wide re­pre­sen­ta­tive net­work for the USA and Canada.


kolb Technology Days visual
As part of the space ex­pan­sion, kolb Cam­pus Know­ledge Cen­ter is foun­ded to build up and trans­fer know­ledge to cus­to­mers, part­ners, em­ployees and in­ter­es­ted par­ties from the in­dus­try. 1st event: kolb TECH­NO­LOGY DAYS 2019.
Logo Fachhochschule Niederrhein
Start of a re­search co­ope­ra­tion with the Nie­der­rhein Uni­ver­si­ty of Ap­plied Sci­en­ces. Va­ri­ous de­part­ments con­duct re­search with the kolb pro­cess ex­perts on in­no­va­tive pro­ces­ses in the field of clea­ning and waste­wa­ter management.


kolb digital enforcement
While the co­ro­na­vi­rus pan­de­mic keeps the world in its grip: In­ter­nal launch of mul­ti­ple pro­jects to fur­ther di­gi­ta­lize pro­ces­ses and appli­ca­tions and to fur­ther de­ve­lop ma­chine soft­ware and auto­mation.
Fontys úniversity logo
Further uni­ver­si­ty co­ope­ra­tion in the area of re­search: to­gether with Fon­tys Uni­ver­si­ty Ven­lo (NL), re­le­vant kolb de­part­ments are con­duc­ting re­search in the area of sus­tai­nable pro­duc­tion / neu­tral cli­mate footprint.


kolb online system selector image
Interested parties can now use the on­line pro­duct se­lec­tor on the kolb web­site to get a qua­li­fied and de­tailed over­view of which kolb sys­tems are best sui­ted to their in­di­vi­dual per­for­mance re­quirements.
kolb PSE300 2VL-XL stencil cleaning system
Market launch of the PSE300 2VL-XL clea­ning sys­tem for BigBoards up to 770 x 1,560 mm (30" x 61"), which can al­ter­na­tive­ly al­so clean two sten­cils or scra­per wash fra­mes up to 780 x 786 mm (30.7" x 31") in one cycle.


kolb board 2022
Christin Lökes joins ma­na­ging di­rec­tors Chris­tian Ort­mann, Ge­org Poll­mann and au­tho­rized sig­na­tory Chris­tian Lin­ker as a mem­ber of the Exe­cu­tive Board, res­pon­sible for Fi­nance, Con­trol­ling, Hu­man Re­sources and IT.
kolb vison project
In the course of the up­co­ming ge­ne­ra­tio­nal change, the gui­ding prin­ci­ples and DNA that have made the com­pany success­ful with its cul­ture are es­tab­lished as a bin­ding ba­sis for value-orien­ted management.


kolb AQUBE ® MV3 ONE stencil cleaning system
The AQUBE® MV3 ONE sys­tem rounds off the port­fo­lio of high-end sten­cil clea­ners. The single-slot sys­tem of­fers net­wor­king for trace­abi­li­ty, re­mote con­trol, re­mo­te main­te­nan­ce and the op­tion to clean PCBAs.
Family-friendly company award
kolb takes first place in the “Family-friend­ly com­pa­nies 2023” com­pe­ti­tion in its home dis­trict and im­pres­ses the jury with its part-time mo­dels, com­pany kin­der­gar­ten, health ma­na­ge­ment, trai­ning and in­for­ma­tion offers and much more.


kolb online detergent selection tool
kolb Campus logo
kolb chemistry packaging 2024
Launch of the web pro­duct se­lec­tor for che­mical kolb pro­ducts with ge­nu­ine "best match" re­com­men­da­tion. Con­ver­sion of che­mi­cal packa­ging to con­tai­ners made from 100% re­cyclate, which in turn is 100% recyclable.
Sparify spare parts selector
First use of the on­line tool “Spa­ri­fy” for sim­ple re­place­ment part iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and selec­tion for a re­quest for quo­ta­tion. The kolb Cam­pus know­ledge ma­nage­ment team or­ga­ni­zes the first trai­ning cour­ses at first for all employees.

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