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What is the meaning of WEEE and are kolb products WEEE compliant?
kolb systems are WEEE compliant respectively expressly excluded from the WEEE directive.

The WEEE directive (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) is the directive No. 2012/19/EU of the European Union (originally EG Directive 2002/96 /EG) to reduce the increasing amount of electronic waste from disused electrical and electronic equipment. The objective is the avoidance, reduction, and environmentally friendly disposal of increasing amounts of electronic waste through extended producer responsibility. The revised WEEE II Directive 2012/19/EU was published in July 2012 by the European Commission and had to be implemented latest February 2014 by the member states.

The directive is intended to prevent mainly consumer electronics equipment from ending up as unsorted municipal waste. Industrially used plants that are degraded by qualified personnel and utilized already professionally in industrial waste cycles, according to article 2 of the regulation shall be excluded.

kolb cleaning systems so far are all WEEE compliant, as they fall under the exceptions described in article 2 of the directive.

kolb systems electronic cleaning systems are covered by the exemption as so-called „large-scale fixed equipment“, which is defined as a large-scale combination of several types of devices and, where applicable, other appliances, which are mounted, installed and dismantled by skilled personnel and is intended to be operated permanently at a predefined location and predetermined location and can only be replaced by the same specially designed equipment.

These include industrial process plants in the process industry (e.g. chemical industry, oil and gas industry, oil rigs, food industry, water and wastewater industry, extractive industry, etc.) and industrial plants of the automation industry (e.g. welding robots, machine tools and machining centers, injection molding machines, automatic transport and packaging equipment, equipment for the semiconductor industry, industrial cleaning equipment, etc.).

Find here all kolb compliance declarations

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