Abbildung des Produkts: ServiceCase SC600
ServiceCase SC600

ServiceCase SC600
For the rapid detection of flux residues

If flux residues in the PCB assemblies production have to be removed thoroughly, the quality of cleaning must be checked regularly to minimize product failures.

With the kolb FluxControl analysis set PCBs, respectively their solder joints can be quickly and easily checked on critical flux residues. The activators of the flux can be made visible by a simple reaction with kolb FluxControl fluid, so that the manufacturing process if necessary can be modified accordingly.
The application is very simple:

FluxControl is applied from the 50 ml dropping bottle on the soldering point or on the electronics assembly and needs only approx. 1 minute reaction time. Then the spot or the board has to be rinsed with DI water. Subsequently, critical residues can usually already be seen with the naked eye as blue spots.

Before handling, read technical documentation (delivered with the case) and safety data sheet (can be downloaded from this page).

Case content:

  • 3 x 50 ml kolb FluxControl dropping bottle
  • 1 spray bottle for DI water
  • 2 sets of gloves
  • Documentation

Manual cleaning
Analysis Product


Product Information
SC600 Kit
393 KB

Compliance certificates


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+49 2154 947938
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