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What is the meaning of VOC?
The abbreviation VOC refers to the group of Volatile Organic Compounds.

VOC describes gaseous and vaporous substances of organic origin in the air. These include, for example, hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes and organic acids. Many solvents, liquid fuels and materials synthesis can occur as a VOC, but also numerous organic compounds that are formed in biological processes. Many hundreds of different individual compounds can occur together in the air.

The limitation of these emissions in Germany is determined in the "Regulation on the limitation of emissions of volatile organic compounds in the use of organic solvents in certain plants" (31. Federal emission protection regulation, abbr. 31. BlmSchV). A labeling requirement does not apply, inter alia, for detergents containing organic solvents of less than 20 per cent, provided that the cleaning agents contain no volatile organic compounds according to § 3 section 2 or 3.

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