Abbildung des Produkts: ServiceCase SC300
ServiceCase SC300

ServiceCase SC300
Testkit for the quick determination of TS detergents

Optimal and safe cleaning processes can only be ensured if the operating condition of the cleaning bath is regulary monitored / checked regarding its current cleaning power. With the content of the service case SC300 this review can be done easily and quickly.

85 ml have to be taken with the enclosed bailer from the well stirred cleaning bath, put into the shaking cylinder and be filled up with 15 ml of the BA15 analysis fluid. Then the cylinder has to be tightly closed and well shaken.

After the sample has rested for 15 minutes the colors of the separate phases display the process status of the cleaning bath.

The attached analysis data sheet then gives recommendations for action.

Manual cleaning
Analysis Product


Product Information
SC300 Kit
413 KB

BA15 analysis fluid
Compliance certificates


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+49 2154 947938
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