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What is the meaning of "Betriebssicherheitsverordnung" and "Gefahrstoffverordnung"?

In kolb information such as material safety data sheets or manuals you might find the terms "BetrSichV" or "GefStoffV.

"Betriebssicherheitsvereinbarung" (abbr. BetrSichV, meaning: Ordinance on Industrial Safety) and "Gefahrstoffverordnung" (abbr. GefStoffV, meaning: Ordinance on Hazardous Substances) are rigid binding German regulations to protect staff.

The "Betriebssicherheitsvereinbarung" and the supplementary Technical Regulations for Operational Safety (TRBS) and the Technical Rule 510 as of January 1, 2003, have replaced the so called VbF (Regulation on flammable liquids).

The German "Betriebssicherheitsvereinbarung" regulates the provision of work by the employer, the use of work equipment by workers at work and the operation of systems requiring monitoring in the context of work safety. The contained protection concept is applicable to all work equipment risks.

The "Gefahrstoffverordnung" supplements the "Betriebssicherheitsvereinbarung" and applies for the marketing of substances, preparations and products, to protect workers and other persons against risks to their health and safety from hazardous substances and to protect the environment from substance-related damage.

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