Abbildung des Produkts: MultiEx® 3D-H2
MultiEx® 3D-H2

MultiEx® 3D-H2
broadband cleaner for PCBAs especially with large metal surfaces

MultiEx® 3D-H2 is an aqueous, alkaline broadband cleaner for thorough and gentle cleaning of PCBAs, especially PCBAs with large metal surfaces.

MultiEx® 3D-H2 is also suitable for cleaning solder frames, solder carriers and solder masks.

MultiEx® 3D-H2 reliably removes flux residues and metal oxides (e.g. copper or aluminum oxide) and at the same time protects against re-oxidation of the metal surfaces.

MultiEx® 3D-H2 works in three dimensions.
Dimension 1: Flux removal. Flux residues are removed, minimizing the risk of electrical malfunctions due to corrosion. 
Dimension 2: Deoxidation of the metal surfaces. Metal oxides are removed so that electrical conductivity is not negatively affected and soldering can be carried out reliably if required.
Dimension 3: Passivation. The deoxidized metal surfaces are passivated so that cleaned and deoxidized metal surfaces remain oxide-free for longer.

MultiEx® 3D-H2 special and unique priming formulation ensures that - without any detectable surface coating - cleaned and deoxidized metal surfaces do not tarnish again.

MultiEx®®3D-H2 is equipped with TernarySequence®® three-phase regeneration technology and TS+ buffer making it even more efficient.

MultiEx® 3D-H2 is supplied as a ready-to-use mixture for direct use in kolb PowerSpray® as well as in all common spray-in-air cleaning systems.

Spray-in-air (PowerSpray®) Technology
Air-in-immersion (AirFlow®) Technology
Ultrasonic Technology
Single Phase Product
Low Temperature Product
TernarySequence® Technology
TS+ longlife Buffering

Technical data

Phases Single Phase
pH Value at 20 °C 10.8 (alkaline)
Conductance at 20 °C > 100 µS/cm
Application temperature 20 °C - 45 °C
Regenerable (TS Technology)
Flashpoint > 100 °C
VOC content < 20%


Product Information
MultiEx® 3D-H2
650 KB

MultiEx® 3D-H2
Compliance certificates


Application overview

PCBs,Hybrids, Misprints
Hybrids, Misprints
most suitable
Stencils, ScreensMisprints (bare boards)
Stencils, Screens
Misprints (bare boards)
Solder Frames,Carriers & Palettes
Solder Frames,
Carriers & Palettes
optional suitable
ESD-boxes, ContainersPCB Magazines
ESD-boxes, Containers
PCB Magazines
optional suitable
Condensation Traps,Filters, Steel Sheets
Condensation Traps,
Filters, Steel Sheets
optional suitable

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