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Is kolb Cleaning Technology GmbH ISO certified?
Yes, kolb Cleaning Technology GmbH is ISO 9001 as well ISO 14001 certified.

Product and management quality

Our objective to deliver only high quality is an integral part of our corporate policy. Structured and well controlled processes guarantee the highest level of reliability and speed. Strict quality checks ensure that each individual part meets our high standards. Our customers' satisfaction is the reason of being for our business.

Environmentals consciousness

The will to protect our environment is also firmly anchored in our corporate policy. We are aware that our activities affect the environment. Therefore it is our obligation and duty to limit the negative influences to the environment to its minimum within the frame of the economic and technical abilities and again with well structured processes. Our goal is not only to develop and produce our own products accordingly, but to offer with these products opportunities to reduce the environmental impact of the whole electronics industry.  

To verify these claims, our company is certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, thus confirming the timeliness and continuous advancement of the quality- and environment-oriented management system.

kolb ISO Certificates for download

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135 KB
kolb quality policy

Customers are the reason to exist of our company. Satisfied customers are the basis of success for our company. We want satisfied customers. That is why ensuring the high quality of our products and services is our top company objective. Therefore our resolution is: 

Customer satisfaction comes first!

This also applies to services that third parties perform on our behalf for our customers.

The benchmark for our quality is set by our customers. The judgement of our customers about our products and services as well as the knowledge and experience of our employees are decisive and determine our quality and performance.

Our quality goal follows a zero defect strategy.

Quality at kolb Cleaning Technology GmbH includes

  •  continuous improvement and controlled production processes.
  • commitment to fulfill our promises to customers, business partners and colleagues.
  • pro-active behaviour towards our customers and business partners.
  • motivated employees through conviction and role model function.

Inquiries, offers, complaints, suggestions and other wishes of our customers are to be processed quickly by all parties involved. The principle applies:

First reaction if possible on the same day, but no later than the next working day

Every employee bears responsibility at his or her workplace for the realization of our quality goals. It is therefore our duty from the semi-skilled employee to the management to perform flawless work. In order to meet this responsibility, deficits in skills and/or resources must be reported to the superior, who will then take remedial action.

Anyone who recognizes a quality risk or quality defect is obliged to eliminate it immediately and/or, if necessary, to stop the relevant production or service. If a remedy cannot be stopped independently within the framework of the cooperation with colleagues, the superior will be informed immediately and a solution will be urged.

Every job must be carried out correctly from the beginning. This requires professional planning and preparation. All employees have the right to demand perfect quality from their colleagues. Only based on good advance performance one can achieve a good performance himself. In order processing, each department sees the next one as its (internal) customer.

The quality of our work also depends on the quality of our suppliers of raw materials, machines and auxiliary materials. The employees of kolb Cleaning Technology GmbH are obliged to actively ensure that our suppliers keep their promises at all times, process complaints quickly and deliver perfect quality. This requires the inclusion of our suppliers in our quality targets. Suppliers who do not meet these goals will not be considered when placing orders.

In the event of errors, their causes must above all be analyzed and eliminated. The quality management according to DIN EN ISO 9001 serves as a basis for this. All employees are obliged to observe the standard and the processes of kolb Cleaning Technology GmbH derived from it.

The management of kolb Cleaning Technology GmbH commits itself to always provide the means and ways necessary for realization and to actively support the adherence to the quality policy.

Willich, February 2025

Christian Ortmann (CEO), Georg Pollmann (CVO), Christin Lökes (CFO)

kolb policy for environmental protection, occupational health and safety

The protection of the environment, occupational safety and health is an important part of our corporate policy.

As a globally active company, we have a special responsibility towards worldwide and long-term challenges such as climate and demographic change, limited resources and health issues.

We accept this responsibility and harmonize economic, ecological and social requirements.

Excellent performance in environmental protection, health management and occupational safety is a top priority at kolb. This is not only out of a sense of social responsibility: sustainability also ensures the future of our company.

We plan, develop, manufacture and distribute our products and services in such a way that the environment and human health - in accordance with the applicable regulations and beyond - are protected and natural resources are conserved. The proactive design of our working conditions ensures the performance of our employees, their health, motivation and satisfaction.

Environmental protection, health management and occupational safety contribute to the long-term protection of people and material values of the company. Internal audits, safety inspections and the activities of the occupational safety committee form the basis for continuously improving our performance in these areas.

All managers and employees act in accordance with this company policy and observe the relevant regulations.

The management of kolb Cleaning Technology GmbH commits itself to provide the resources necessary for the realization and to actively support the achievement of objectives in environmental protection, health management and occupational safety.

Willich, February 2025

Christian Ortmann (CEO), Georg Pollmann (CVO), Christin Lökes (CFO) 

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