Logo CLEANING TECHNOLOGY - Made in Germany

Ersa Technology Forum | Wertheim, Germany

|   Event

Will we meet there?

Get your electronics manufacturing update - with valuable know-how, networking opportunities and in-depth specialist presentations that will give your production a decisive competitive edge. 1 event, 17 exhibitors from all areas of electronics manufacturing. You can look forward to an exciting programme of presentations with a specific focus on digital services along the electronics production line.

📅 25. & 26. September 2024
🌍 Ersa GmbH, Leonhard-Karl-Str. 24, 97877 Wertheim, Germany
📄 programme
registration (Please use registration code KOLBCT24JE!)
💶 free of charge

👉 Meet our kolb team at the Ersa Technology Forum - we look forward to seeing you!

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