AQUBE® M series
Up to four screens / stencils or 14 carriers in one cleaning cycle

The new kolb AQUBE® systems are next-generation cleaning systems - even more efficient, even more compact, easy to handle and maintain, pre-equipped for extended water management and ready for the smart factory (SF ready).

The systems of the AQUBE® M series offer process safe cleaning of up to four screens, PumpPrints or stencils in one cycle from contaminations like SMD-adhesive, SMD-paste, flux, oil, dust or grease or multi option systems for almost every requirement of maintenance cleaning such as the cleaning of solder carriers / masks, ESD boxes, magazines, pallets, machinery parts and other small parts from flux, oil dust and grease.

The two tank combi systems withtriple circuit function and a fully automatic 3 or 4step process (cleaning, MediumWipe®, rinsing, drying) and ClosedLoop water processing are extremely compact delivering best cost of ownership value.

Tools cleaning system especially for solder carriers, pallets, trays

Capacity: 7 carriers up to 480 x 430 mm (19“ x 17“), boxes / racks up to 540 x 590 x 570 mm or up to two drawer baskets for small parts, filters etc.
Horizontal spray rotor system, VMH®-Turbo evaporative drying
PolyPower® Technology (up to three times more pressure power and up to 30% less cycle time)
Process chamber dimensions: W 540 ▪ D 590 ▪ H 570 mm (W 21.25" ▪ D 23.22" ▪ H 22.44")

more about AQUBE® MH5

Fully automatic XL tools and maintenance cleaning system

Capacity: 11 carriers up to 670 x 640 mm (26“ x 25“), boxes / racks up to 700 x 720 x 710 mm or up to three drawer baskets for small parts, filters etc.
Horizontal spray rotor system, VMH®-Turbo evaporative drying
PolyPower® technology (up to three times more pressure power and up to 30% less cycle time)
Process chamber dimensions: W 700 • D 720 • H 710 mm (W 27.55" • D 28.34" • H 27.95")

more about AQUBE® MH7

Fully automatic XXL allround tools cleaning system with super large process chamber

Capacity: 14 carriers up to 950 x 750 mm (37.5“ x 29.5“), boxes / racks up to 970 x 955 x 900 mm or up to four drawer baskets for small parts, filters etc.
Horizontal spray rotor system, VMH®-Turbo evaporative drying
Process chamber dimensions: W 970 • D 955 • H 900 mm (W 38.18" • D 37.59" • H 35.43")

more about AQUBE® MH9

Fully automatic compact highend cleaning system for stencils and many more

Capacity: Screen, stencil, carrier, washing frame (PCBAs, Misprints, Squeegees) up to 770 x 950 mm (31" x 37")
Fully automatic 4step process, cleaning, MediumWipe®, rinsing and CWA® supercharger drying
Cleans stencils, screens, PumpPrint stencils, misprints from SMD adhesive, SMD paste, flux, oil, dust, grease

more about AQUBE® MV3 ONE

Parallel or sequential cleaning of two large stencils

Capacity: 2 Stencils, screens, carriers up to 950 x 770 mm (37" x 30") in two separate process chambers
Fully automatic 4step process: cleaning, MediumWipe®, rinsing and CWA® supercharger drying
Cleans stencils, screens, PumpPrint stencils, misprints from SMD adhesive, SMD paste, flux, oil, dust, grease

more about AQUBE® MV8 sTWIN

Fully automatic 4-fold stencil cleaning system

Capacity: 4 screens / stencils / carriers up to 800 x 940 x 40 mm (31.5“ x 37" x 1.5")
Vertical eightfold spray rotors, CWA® supercharger compression drying
Relative cycle time: 4 minutes per stencil
Process chamber dimensions: W 970 • D 955 • H 900 mm (W 38.18" • D 37.59" • H 35.43")

more about AQUBE® MV9 QUAD

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