Noise Insulation

Noise Insulation (功能包)
Noise cancelling kit

kolb stencil cleaning systems are usually equipped with a CWA® high-performance compressor drying system, a highly efficient combined drying process of compressed air (blowing off
residual moisture) and heat (evaporative drying). Due to the compressor, these systems emit a maximum noise level of approx. 74 dB(A) at full drying load (comparable to the spin cycle
volume of a washing machine or a passing passenger car). This value is therefore not critical for human auditory system (up to 75 dB(A).

With the components included in the package, the operating noise can be reduced by a further eight dB(A), which corresponds to almost halving the volume perception. (A decrease of 10 dB(A) corresponds to a halving of the volume in subjective human perception).


Product Information
功能包 Noise Insulation
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