Logo CLEANING TECHNOLOGY - Made in Germany

Mobile Cleaning Roadshow

Performance demonstration and testing at the customers plant

As per saying "tries changes study" …

kolb in Europe offers for interested customers a special service: kolb mobile cleaning.

For this purpose, kolb brings the system selected by the customer directly to the customer's factory to demonstrate both the machine and the cleaner there directly (if desired, also outdoors, if electricity connection and (if necessary) water connection are available).

Interested customers thus have the possibility to verify the efficiency of kolb cleaning systems and kolb chemical products with their individual requirements directly at their door step.

Doing so, process data and required system configurations can precisely be determined in the presence of all parties concerned with a possible investment.

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The Factory of The Future | Coventry, UK

We are already very excited!

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Veranstaltungsbild der green electronics 2024

Green Electronics 2025 | Duesseldorf, Germany

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New Online Detergent Selector

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Composing mit grauen, recyclebaren Kanistern

Sustainability at kolb - now also for our containers

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